Transcript:How To Increase Employee Engagement And Motivation Quickly: Three Easy StepsHow To Increase Employee Engagement And Motivation Quickly: Three Easy Steps
Hi, it's Mike here from Better Happy. Today, I'm going to show you three steps that you can take to quickly and sustainably increase the employee motivation and employee engagement levels within your organisation.
What I'm going to take you through today is part of the motivational mapping process. I'm a Licensed Motivational Mapping Practitioner. Motivational mapping has been around for years. It's been used with hundreds, if not thousands, of organisations. Over 80,000 reports have been done, and it's been proved to be 80%+ accurate from user validated feedback.
So..... it works and it's worth listening to.
Employee motivation, employee engagement is vital to the success of organisations. Organisations with highly motivated, highly engaged employees tend to on average generate three times more revenue per year than those without and have less than 50% of the staff turnover rates of those without.
Considering how important it is, it's incredible to find out that around 8% of all employees in the UK are highly engaged. That's just one in 12 people. So why is it that we find it such a challenge and why is it such a big problem? There's three major reasons that we struggle with it so much.
Top Three Problems
Number one, we don't know that there's different factors of motivation. When I found out about this, I found it really eye-opening. There are different motivational influences and factors that affect each person.
Number two, because of that, we don't know what the different motivational profiles are of our people. So we don't actually know how it is that we need to motivate them.
Number three, we don't have a system in place to check in on this every month or every quarter. So what we're going to do now is head over to the computer, head over to my screen, and we're going to have a look at those different factors that we need to work on.
Three Step Solution
1 - Identify Motivational Factors
So, first step, we need to understand that there are different motivators of work. We've got nine different motivators here, going from Defender, to Friend, to Star, Director, Builder, Expert, Creator, Spirit and Searcher. Notice that each of these motivational factors sits within a category, Relationship, Achievement and Growth. Okay. Well, you need to understand these and understand that each of our people will have a top three that are different, and when we know what those top three are, the factors that motivate each of those people are going to be different.
Quick example, let's say that I've got somebody, their top motivator is Creator and they're not feeling very motivated. If I didn't know that they were a Creator or I didn't understand that, I might try to give them a pay raise. I might try to give them a bonus. I might try to give them a promotion, thinking that this is going to solve their problem. But actually, what this person really needs, if this area wasn't being fulfilled, is the opportunity to express their creativity. How much is that going to cost an organisation? Very little, if nothing. How much is that potentially going to bring to an organisation? A lot.
Okay. So this is really eye-opening. It's going to save you time. It's going to save you money. It's going to make your people happier. So I would give this person an opportunity or would guide them to think of a way in which they can express that creativity. Perhaps they want to get involved in a new project at work. Perhaps they want to create a new project at work.
Let's have a look at another one over here, the Star. This person seeks recognition. They seek respect. They're very relationship motivated and they want social esteem. Again, if this person's lowly motivated, I might have to find something or help them come up with an idea where they've got the opportunity to express this, to be in front of people more and to get more social recognition. A lot of these, they just want to be told that they're doing a good job and they want to have more conversations. A lot of the times when we're trying to improve our motivation levels, actually the answers are a lot more simple than we might think. We just need to understand these different motivators.
2 - Motivational Map our People
After we've done that and after we've understood the basics that there are different motivational factors, like I said, we need to understand what the top three are of each of our people. There's two different ways you can do this. You can download this free resource just below this video that we've got on the website, and you can distribute that to all of your people so that they can choose for themselves what they think their top three are and then put their levels below here. It's all self-explanatory. And collect that information.
Or you can speak to us and we can do a more detailed process, where they go through a questionnaire on our website. And that actually generates a profile for them, which gives them a lot more detailed insight, and gives you a detailed team report on the levels of motivation within the team and the team's motivational profile. So, either way, you can have a quick start here, which you don't need to even have a conversation with us and you can get going with that straight away, or you can use our system, which is quicker, more automated, and we'll do it for you.
3 - Create a Process
Okay. And then finally, what you want to do is put that process in place. Motivation changes over time. We've just gone through COVID. We know that that's going to affect everybody's levels of motivation, so we might need to adapt. What you need to do then is just make sure that you've got a process in place for every month or every quarter to have a very simple conversation with your people around this. Get them to fill this out every month, every quarter, and then get them to come up with some ideas. You can see here, we've got action plans about how is it that they might be able to better improve their motivation levels.
The beauty of this is that it costs very little, if nothing, and it has a huge impact on your people. Lots of the times, like I said, people that are struggling with motivation just need to have a conversation around this area to have their eyes opened. The impact it will have on your organisation almost instantaneously, to spend a little bit more time and focus on motivation, will be huge. But it's important, if you look over here, to understand that this is just one step of a roadmap to a highly motivated, engaged workforce. We've got motivation down here, but then we've also got to look after our health in the middle with some very simple interventions. At the top here, we can focus on actually putting those systems in place, so leadership and management don't have to constantly think about and stress about these things. They just got simple processes to follow that make everybody's life easier and make sure that we get sustainable results.
I hope you found this video interesting. We've got some free resources below, so feel free to download those. Please comment, like, share. If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to put them below, and if you want to book a call with us, please do using the button below.