Do you spend most of your time:
A) Leading your team/department/business or
B) Firefighting and covering absent roles?
Due to low employee engagement and high turnover levels in the UK, for most leaders, it's the latter. This is bad for leaders, teams, and businesses. Work should be challenging but rewarding and enjoyable. The express ticket away from that is taking people off the work they're great at, the work they're destined to do, and putting them onto tasks that don't fulfill them. When you have high employee turnover, that's what happens year-round. Your strength and purpose are in leadership.
You should be going to work every day planning the way forward and guiding your people.
How much growth is your team or business missing out on because you're covering vacancies instead of doing that? How much engagement and enjoyment are you and your people missing out on because you're covering vacancies instead of doing what you love?
Creating a high retention environment is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, your people, your customer, and your business. It's not easy, but it's not complicated either. The reason a high retention, happy place to work seems so elusive in the UK isn't that it's so difficult to achieve, it's that it's not prioritised.
If you want to spend more time doing what you love, growing your business, and having great teams around you, there are two no-risk ways we can help you do that. You can attend one of our free online workshops hosted monthly by me, which you can find at www.betterhappy.co.uk/freeworkshop, or you can book me to deliver a 90-minute workshop exclusively for you and your people. If my workshop doesn't fill you with confidence, change the way you think about work, and give you the tools to make those changes, you don't pay. It's no risk either way, so what have you got to lose? Let's make work great again for you and your people. Drop me a message to find out more.
Mike Jones Better Happy Founder

Mike founded Better Happy in 2018.
He now works with a variety of businesses ranging from small accountancies up to large organisations such as Travelodge on improving employee happiness. Mike's vision and the vision of Better Happy is 'Every employee happy, every business thriving'